术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
输血 | Blood transfusion | Transferring blood or blood products from one person (donor) to another person (recipient) through intravenous infusion. |
透析 | Dialysis | A medical procedure that helps remove waste and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys are unable to perform their function. |
体外循环器械 | Extracorporeal circulation device | A device used to temporarily take over the functions of the heart and lungs during cardiac surgery, allowing the surgeon to operate on a still and bloodless field. |
一次性使用体外血浆脂类吸附过滤器 | Disposable extracorporeal plasma lipid adsorption filter | A filter used in extracorporeal blood purification procedures to remove lipid substances from the plasma, typically used in cases of severe hyperlipidemia or certain liver diseases. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
血浆脂类吸附过滤器 | 该过滤器用于体外循环器械中,能有效吸附血浆中的脂类物质,提高血液净化效果。 |