术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
注输 | Infusion | The process of introducing a fluid, such as medication or nutrients, into a vein or tissue of the body. |
护理 | Nursing | The profession or practice of providing care for the sick or infirm. |
防护器械 | Protective equipment | Devices or tools designed to protect individuals from potential hazards or dangers. |
X射线可探测敷布片 | X-ray detectable dressing | A type of dressing or bandage that can be easily detected on X-ray images, allowing for better monitoring and assessment of wounds or injuries. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
X射线可探测敷布片 | 这款敷布片具有X射线可探测的特性,可以在医疗领域中使用。它能够提供有效的防护和护理,同时确保X射线检查时的安全性。敷布片材质柔软舒适,透气性好,适合长时间使用。 |