术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
中医器械 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Equipment | Refers to medical devices used in traditional Chinese medicine practices. |
灸疗机 | Moxibustion Therapy Device | A device used for moxibustion therapy, a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning dried mugwort on or near specific points on the body. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
灸盒 | 用于放置艾条,方便进行灸疗 |
灸条 | 采用优质艾草制作,用于进行灸疗 |
灸炉 | 用于加热灸条,控制温度和时间 |
灸箱 | 用于存放灸具和艾草,方便携带和存储 |
灸草 | 采用优质艾草,燃烧后产生热量进行灸疗 |