术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
呼吸 | Respiration | The process of inhaling and exhaling air, allowing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. |
麻醉 | Anesthesia | A state of controlled unconsciousness induced to eliminate pain and discomfort during medical procedures. |
急救器械 | Emergency medical equipment | Devices and tools used in emergency situations to provide immediate medical care and support. |
一次性使用 | Disposable | Designed to be used only once and then discarded, reducing the risk of contamination and infection. |
增强型鼻咽通气导管 | Enhanced nasopharyngeal airway tube | A medical device inserted through the nose to maintain an open airway and facilitate breathing. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
一次性鼻咽通气导管 | 该导管用于呼吸、麻醉和急救过程中,可有效通气,提供氧气和麻醉药物给患者,具有一次性使用的特点,减少交叉感染的风险。 |
增强型鼻咽通气导管 | 该导管是一种改良版的鼻咽通气导管,具有更好的通气效果和舒适度,适用于呼吸、麻醉和急救过程中,可提供稳定的氧气和麻醉药物输送。 |