术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
输血 | Blood transfusion | Process of transferring blood or blood products into a person's bloodstream. |
透析 | Dialysis | Medical procedure used to remove waste and excess water from the blood when the kidneys are unable to perform this function. |
体外循环器械 | Extracorporeal circulation equipment | Medical devices used to temporarily take over the function of the heart and lungs during cardiac surgery. |
透析用碳酸氢钠干粉 | Dialysis sodium bicarbonate powder | Dry powder form of sodium bicarbonate used in dialysis to help maintain the acid-base balance in the blood. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
透析用碳酸氢钠干粉 | 透析用碳酸氢钠干粉是一种用于透析治疗的配套产品,用于调节透析液的酸碱平衡,维持血液的酸碱平衡状态,确保透析治疗的效果和安全性。 |