术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
注输 | Infusion | The process of introducing a fluid, such as medication or nutrients, into a vein or tissue of the body. |
护理 | Nursing | The profession or practice of providing care for the sick or infirm. |
防护器械 | Protective equipment | Devices or tools designed to protect individuals from potential hazards or risks. |
软聚硅酮伤口敷贴 | Soft silicone wound dressing | A type of dressing made from soft silicone material that is used to cover and protect wounds. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
软聚硅酮伤口敷贴 | 柔软舒适,透气性好,可有效保护伤口,促进伤口愈合。 |
防水透气敷贴 | 具有防水功能,可在洗澡、游泳时保护伤口不受水侵害,同时透气性好,有助于伤口愈合。 |
抗菌敷贴 | 含有抗菌成分,能够有效抑制伤口感染,加速伤口愈合过程。 |
透明敷贴 | 透明材质,可观察伤口情况,同时具有良好的粘附性,不易脱落。 |
吸水敷贴 | 具有良好的吸水性能,可吸收伤口渗出液,保持伤口清洁,促进伤口愈合。 |