术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
呼吸 | Respiration | The process of inhaling and exhaling air, allowing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. |
麻醉 | Anesthesia | The induced state of temporary loss of sensation or awareness, typically used during medical procedures. |
急救器械 | Emergency medical equipment | Devices and tools used in emergency situations to provide immediate medical assistance and support. |
呼吸系统过滤器 | Respiratory system filter | A device used to remove particulates, contaminants, or pathogens from the air before it is inhaled into the respiratory system. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
呼吸机 | 用于支持或代替患者的呼吸功能,适用于急救、麻醉和重症监护等场景。 |
氧气罐 | 提供纯净的氧气供给,用于急救、麻醉和其他需要补充氧气的情况。 |
麻醉机 | 用于给予患者麻醉药物,使其处于无痛或昏迷状态,以进行手术或其他医疗操作。 |
急救箱 | 内含常用的急救器械和药品,用于急救现场的紧急处理。 |
呼吸道导管 | 用于维持患者的呼吸道通畅,防止阻塞或堵塞。 |