术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
输血 | Blood transfusion | Transferring blood or blood products from one person (donor) to another person (recipient) through intravenous infusion. |
透析 | Dialysis | A medical procedure that removes waste products and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneys are unable to perform their function. |
体外循环器械 | Extracorporeal circulation device | A device used to temporarily take over the function of the heart and lungs during cardiac surgery, allowing the surgeon to operate on a still and bloodless field. |
高通量聚砜膜透析器 | High-flux polysulfone membrane dialyzer | A type of dialyzer that utilizes a high-flux polysulfone membrane to enhance the removal of waste products and toxins during dialysis. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
高通量聚砜膜透析器 | 高通量聚砜膜透析器是一种用于透析治疗的器械,采用高通量聚砜膜材料,具有较高的透析效率和清除效果,可有效清除体内废物和毒素,改善患者的肾功能。 |
输血器械 | 输血器械是用于输血过程中的工具和设备,包括输血管、输血袋、输血针等。它们能够安全、有效地进行输血操作,确保输血过程的顺利进行。 |
体外循环器械 | 体外循环器械是一种用于心脏手术中的设备,通过模拟心脏和肺部的功能,维持患者的血液循环和氧合功能。它包括心肺机、体外循环泵等,能够在手术期间代替心脏和肺部的功能,确保手术的顺利进行。 |