Brand Transferpette-8 is a multi-channel micropipette designed for precise and efficient liquid handling in the laboratory. The Transferpette-8 model has a volume range of 30-300ul, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.
The Transferpette-8 features a lightweight and ergonomic design, allowing for comfortable use over extended periods of time. The pipette is equipped with a tip ejector for easy and quick tip changes, as well as a volume adjustment knob for precise volume setting.
This eight-channel micropipette is composed of high-quality materials that ensure durability and reliability. The pipette is easy to clean and maintain, with autoclavable components for sterilization.
The Transferpette-8 is available in various types to suit different laboratory needs, including fixed volume and adjustable volume models. The fixed volume model is ideal for routine applications where a specific volume is frequently used, while the adjustable volume model allows for flexibility in volume selection.
使用Brand Transferpette-8八通道微量移液器 30-300ul (703612)时,请务必注意以下事项:
1. 在使用前,请仔细阅读产品说明书,了解移液器的正确操作方法和维护要点。
2. 使用移液器时,应保持手部干燥和清洁,避免污染样品或影响准确移液。
3. 在吸取和排放液体时,应确保移液器头部完全浸入液体中,避免气泡产生影响移液准确性。
4. 移液器使用完毕后,应及时清洗和消毒,避免残留液体或污垢影响下次使用。
5. 避免移液器受到剧烈震动或摔落,以免损坏内部结构影响移液准确性。
6. 定期对移液器进行校准和维护,确保其准确性和稳定性。
Brand普兰德 Transferpette-8八通道微量移液器是一种用于临床应用的高质量移液器。它具有8个通道,可同时处理多个样本,提高工作效率。移液器的量程为30-300ul,适用于微量液体的精确分配和转移。