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Brand普兰德 384孔 PCR板 全裙边 0.04ml(781345)





1. 在使用前,请确保PCR板表面干净,无异物或污渍,以免影响实验结果。

2. 使用前请检查PCR板是否有损坏或变形,如有损坏请勿使用,以免造成实验失败。

3. 在操作过程中,请避免使用尖锐物品划伤PCR板,以免影响密封性能。

4. 使用时请按照实验要求正确安装PCR板盖,确保密封性能良好,避免样品污染或挥发。

5. 在加样时,请使用专用的多通道移液器或单通道移液器,避免交叉污染或样品浪费。

6. 使用过程中请避免暴露于高温或直射阳光下,以免影响PCR板的性能和寿命。

7. 使用完毕后,请正确处理PCR板,避免对环境造成污染,可按照相关规定进行回收或处理。

8. 存放时请放置于干燥、阴凉处,避免受潮或受热,以保持PCR板的性能和质量。

9. 在使用过程中如有任何异常情况,请及时停止使用并咨询专业人士或厂家技术支持。

Brand 384-well PCR plate with full skirt and 0.04ml capacity is a commonly used tool in clinical laboratories for various applications.

One of the key uses of this PCR plate is in the amplification of DNA samples for diagnostic purposes. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a technique used to make multiple copies of a specific DNA sequence, which is essential for detecting genetic mutations, identifying pathogens, and studying gene expression. The 384-well format allows for high-throughput processing of samples, making it ideal for screening large numbers of samples in a single run.

Another important clinical application of the Brand 384-well PCR plate is in the quantification of gene expression levels. By using real-time PCR, researchers can measure the amount of a specific RNA molecule present in a sample, which can provide valuable information about gene regulation and disease progression. The small reaction volume of 0.04ml in each well minimizes reagent consumption and reduces the cost per reaction, making it a cost-effective option for gene expression analysis.

Furthermore, the full skirt design of the PCR plate ensures compatibility with automated liquid handling systems commonly used in clinical laboratories. This feature allows for efficient and reproducible sample processing, reducing the risk of human error and improving the overall accuracy of the results.

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