术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
输血 | Blood transfusion | Transferring blood or blood products from one person (donor) to another person (recipient) |
透析 | Dialysis | A medical procedure used to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys are unable to perform their function |
体外循环器械 | Extracorporeal circulation equipment | Medical devices used to temporarily take over the function of the heart and lungs during cardiac surgery or respiratory failure |
医用辐照系统 | Medical irradiation system | Equipment used to deliver controlled doses of radiation for medical purposes, such as cancer treatment or sterilization of medical instruments |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
输血袋 | 用于收集、储存和输送血液及其成分,保证输血过程的安全和有效。 |
透析器 | 用于肾脏功能不全患者的血液透析治疗,通过滤除体内废物和多余液体来维持体液平衡。 |
体外循环器械 | 用于心脏手术等需要停止心脏跳动的情况下,维持体内血液循环和供氧。 |
医用辐照系统 | 用于医疗领域的辐射治疗、辐射灭菌等应用,确保治疗或灭菌的安全和有效。 |